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Back in June 2018, Jack Phillips won a high Court ruling defending his case on religious convictions not to bake a cake for a same sex couple. ( Read original post below that I wrote in June_2018)

Jack Phillips is on the news again for not serving another same sex couple one of which is an attorney. Another request was to bake a cake to celebrate Satan’s birthday. Another for the legalization of marijuana IN COLORADO, a coincidence????????? or is it Targetting???????? I think the latter.

It’s obviously a publicity stunt on a decent bloke being punished by trying to make a living out of his craft. How many court cases does he have to go through? Isn’t one judge’s ruling good enough? Does this poor guy have to lose more money from having to close his business and from negative publicity? He has already had to close down his wedding business which provided 40 percent of his income, now they want to close him down altogether. The fact that it’s blocking the courts from hearing more important criminal cases, is ridiculous!!!

What about Jack Phillip’s right to practice his faith? His right to religious freedom? The same sex couple want to practice their right to express themselves, well so does the baker. There are other bakers around Colorado who have no convictions, why can’t they go to them?

Image result for Galatians 5:1

THIS IS WRONG AT ALL LEVELS. This is dictatorship, censorship and PC gone crazy. We all have to co-exist in this world and putting labels on people is divisive. We’re not all the same, we’re all different, why not accept and respect each other and not make others submit, that’s censorship, and abuse of our freedoms?

God didn’t create robots and He has given us a free choice, it seems that others want to take that away from us. This is what the bible says on religious freedom

1 Peter 2:16 

Image result for 1 Peter 2:16

Jack Phillips is now suing the state of Colorado for religious bias.
Our religious freedoms are at stake—we all need to back Jack as he stands for his conviction. TO SUPPORT JACK PHILLIPS SEE BELOW